(The open letter to Mr.Thomas Piketty is the 2nd blog-post down from here)
Why modern societies deliberately create avenues of
There are outcries from every sector in modern
world about ever growing inequality. Every study by reputed institutions
reveals that more and more wealth and privileges are going into fewer and fewer
hands, and the number of poor and unprivileged human-beings are ever increasing
in the world. The recent Oxfam study and Zurich
study are examples.
The recent post by Bill Gates in the Linkedin
PULSE column ( see link:
commenting on Thomas Piketty's book on Capital, also acknowledges that
inequality in the capitalist order is a naked reality. He suggested to tax
increasingly on consumption, instead of the existing practice of taxing income
to achieve more effective economic equality.
This is an attempt to get at the root
fundamentals of inequality in modern societies. Some of the basic questions
raised here to achieve this end are:
1) Is inequality
a simple issue of unequal wealth distribution in society ?
2) What aspect of inequality pains the victim
a) Having lesser wealth or income than the
more privileged ?
b) The capacity of the wealthy to enjoy all
the luxuries of the world, depriving them from the common folk ?
c) His irrelevance in the society that is
primarily measured on the basis of what one does to earn his bread, ( his job,
or earning source) the attire and foot-wear he uses, where does he live,( the
status of the colony /street he resides) the brand of car he uses, the style of
language he uses ( the degree of sophistication of his language ) etc?
3) Does one's power-share in the polity also
strongly contribute to inequality ? In other words, other than income
disparity, does power-disparity also cause grave inequality ?
4) Is there a definite striving in modern
society to always become unequal? ( to be above the common)
5) Does our existing socio-economic-political
system directly or indirectly encourages a striving for becoming more and more
wealthy and successful in society ? The naked reality of economic-class
distinction measured and relished on the basic of the 'class', or the 'luxury'
standards of the products and services one could afford to go for...
6) Is it not paradoxical for the modern world
that at one hand it strives for equality as a socio-political value, and at the
same time it encourages men and women to compete, and attain unequal heights in
society ?
Let us take-up the above 6 points one by one
here, for quick discussions on each question:
1) Is inequality a simple issue of unequal
wealth distribution in society ?
The answer is a plain NO ! The poorest who
dwells in an urban labor-hut but eats his 3 square-meals every day in his own
tradition and style, does not bother if the extreme-rich does the same act,with
an entirely different menu on his plate, and having the affair on a dining
table costing many fortunes that the poor man can ever think of. For both the
specimen, it is only a matter of inherited tastes and routines. If healthy,
both models sleep well after having dinner, having some fun with the children,
and then after a routine sex act ! Both parties live their lives, unaware of
how the other one undergoes his life. They virtually live in two different
worlds !
So, their lives are not qualitatively any
different on account of the huge income/wealth difference.Here, quality of life
standard is measured on the basis of the degree of contentment both models
have; not based on any objective,external criterion. Issue of inequality does
not at all bother them at this plane of life.
2) What aspect of inequality pains the victim
a) Having lesser wealth or income than the
more privileged ? ( the deprivation aspect)
We could simply compare this factor with men
and women with lesser body length.Except in very rare cases, body height does
not affect one's base-line happiness in life. We can not ever conclude that the
more the body length of a person, the higher would be his contentment in life,
and the lesser it, the lesser his/her degree of happiness. As far as one has
resources for 3 square meals and a roof to sleep under, the different way in
which the other eat, drink or sleep will not disturb anyone's base-line
The cases of extreme poverty, ie. one's going
to bed with out having anything to eat is an extremely rare event in the modern
world, with many charitable and religious institutions who routinely offer food
every day to those who come calling ( The Sikh temples, for example)
b) The capacity of the wealthy to enjoy all
the luxuries of the world, depriving them from common folk ?
Some of the explanations above would answer
this question; many in the lower strata of modern societies are even not aware
what the rich eats, the luxury gadgets he uses at home. The two worlds are
quite set-apart, and the inherited style and routine, rules their food and life
habits than any sense of constant deprivation, or injustice.
c) His irrelevance in the society that is
predominantly measured on the basis of what one does ( his job and earning
source) the attire and foot-wear he uses, where does he live,( the size of his
house, status of the colony /street he resides) the brand of car he uses, the
style of language he utters ( his education and the life-style ladder!) etc?
Yes...other than the food he eat, or the kind
of roof he sleeps under, or the dress he wears, what disturbs the poor and
down-trodden most is the distinct and clear low-status in which the main-stream
world look-upon and treat him!
There are clear mental divisions in society,
or class distinctions, that determine one's status and relevance in the society,
measured on the basis of his social appearance. When such distinct divisions
exist, and when people get corresponding response from the society in the form
of respect and regard for his status, every person is compelled to internalize
his/her such 'allotted' dignity and value in the society, and adjust his
himself, his looks and behavior accordingly. He wears a fitting self-image,
many a times that of a dangerous self-hatred and self-denial ! He renounce the
world that disparage him. He self-declares his non-belonging-ness to such a
world, and create his own separate a world to dwells in. For any healthy
society, such alienation of a percentage of the population into their own world
of negative values and self-image is an extremely dangerous feature ! They are
the ones who could disturb the very bottom peace in any society, by their
criminal, terrorist or plain underworld activities, nullifying whatever is
splendid and extra-ordinary about an age ! Our contemporary age's
socio-political condition is a fitting example !
In short, the inequality as sensed by these
men in the bottom strata of society is not based on his income or wealth
inequality, but his degree of dignity and relevance the society offer him. It
is about the class into which he is dumped, as an inevitable feature of the
economic and political ways of the existing order.
3) Does one's power-share in the polity
also strongly contribute to inequality ? In other words, other than income
disparity, does power-disparity also cause grave inequality ?
This might be a rarely taken-up cause,or a
feature of modern inequality. Modern democracy is simply a political
power-sharing exercise among certain professional class of people. Every
conceivable group in society,ie. religious, language, geography and even
certain occupation like farmers are in a mad rush to form political parties,
fight election, and have a participation in the government. Unrepresented
groups and individuals often left alone in modern democracies, without power
and any influence in the decision making process. This often leads to grave
issues of inequality in society.
There are thousands of bureaucrats under every
government,with the whole backing of the state, and a power-share in it. A good
percentage of population are friends and relatives of these men, with equal
hold in the power-basket, and they too do enjoy unlimited freedom and equality
in society.
The rest multitudes are left alone, as mere power-less
'subjects' in the country. In the matter of being 'heard', or getting routine
citizens matters done in govt.offices, or for gaining freedom from
police,taxation, and municipality highhandedness, ordinary citizens routinely
have to either bribe,or plead mercy from the ones in power for personal safety
and survival. The snow-balling effect is true in the mater of political power
too,hence money and resources get attracted to political power, and these
guys increasingly grow very unequal in every modern democratic society.
The general inequality and powerless-ness of common citizens has
a lot to do with the above unequal distribution of political power. Those who
are without any political link often get despised and ignored at government
offices for routine work, and similarly at police,taxation and municipal
offices. The ones with some or other kind of political 'power' ( or even with
money power, that always attracts political power ) are not a single
individual in the strict sense of it; they are kind of monsters,
with the backing of a hugely powerful and impersonal entity called the State !
An individual citizen is no match for him,with his total vulnerablity and
defenselessness ! This inequality is, if analysed carefully, is the worst form
of inequality in the modern world.
4) Is there a definite striving in modern
society to become unequal? ( to be above the common)
We can answer only in the affirmative ! Yes... every one of us
want to be up and above from the other, in the degree of dignity and relevance
in society ! This striving is for avoiding the ignominy of being an
ordinary citizen in the country!
If the criterion that had decided this
difference from others was mere physical strength in the primordial days, it
was changed to knowledge about the 'other' world of spirits and Gods ( the
priestly class) later on in history, in the journey of mankind. Most of the
civilization had periods of domination by the priestly class in their history.
Then It was followed by Feudalism, the
upper-hand of men with large land holdings and the 'noble' ways they had
dressed, spoken and lived. The so called democratic transition was in-fact a
seeking of freedom and empowerment by the rich and noble class from the
monarchs. The Magna-Carta treaty- the first of its kind in history-was indeed
wrestled by the feudal lords from the kings !
It is said that the British monarchies were
forced to recognize the House of 'commons', at the instigation of the House of
Lords. Feudal Lords thought that such a step would reduce the power of the
Kings in the long-run. The power and wealth of over-seas voyagers, and later
the industrialists ( who were mostly from the class of common people) blinded
even the then feudal Lords. Heard that some of them were ready even to exchange
their noble-titles for the exotic items these voyagers brought from strange
lands !
In short, no revolution -seeking freedom and
liberty in history - was ever led by common citizens, genuinely wanting to
alter their 'state-subject' status. They were all planned and executed by those
who had been already rich and the powerful, wanting to escape the atrocities of
the king or his likes. If American revolution was led by the rich planters in
the new continent, hugely helped and supported by the French and the Spanish (
to avenge their defeat in the 7 year war with Britain !) the French revolution
was known to have planned and executed by the secret societies of Jewish money
lenders, predominantly based in Britain and Germany ( see link:
Whatever the case and cause might have been,
though feudalism had come to an end, a similar upper-hand of a new class- the
men of business and trade-took over the reigns of modern world from its old
masters in 17th and 18th centuries. Though the peoples' form of government
-democracy-took over major parts of the world from the days of American
democratic experiment, for the much needed and inevitable country development,(
ie. economic development ) the new political order and the men behind it, had
no choice but to seek the active participation and collaboration of these new
masters of the world! ( ie. from the industry and the elite sector)
The human individual is free today to have his
own ways, ( the liberal order) whether it is about building up huge castles for
himself and his family, owning air-crafts and ships, creating exclusive realms
of luxury and life-conveniences for him and his men and women etc. This freedom
of individual under the liberal spirit of the West, is an unquestioned norm in
the contemporary, so called free-world, provided he, ( the rich and elite) and
the companies he own pay taxes in time !There are many special industries
catering to the unique needs of the life-style of these class of people, who
own more than 50% of of all the wealth of the world as per authentic, recent
Then comes the second, third, fourth and fifth
etc.categories or classes of men with wealth and life-style, beneath the above
1%, the most elite class. There are specialized industries, products and
services that cater to the needs of each of such economic class in the modern
Our knowledge of human nature is still
inadequate to infer why man is in a constant pursuit to out-smart his
fellow-being in success and achievement ! But one thing is clear that,our
collective moral imperative always warn us (the mankind) that, equality is a
better social-condition than the ever growing inequality in society that the
capitalistic order will always usher-in. Without doubt, the striving for
up-man-ship is a clear feature that our modern society is suffering from, and
what the contemporary capitalist-democratic order indeed supports and
World have clearly witnessed the same outcome
from its communist experiments too; many centuries of their reign at many parts
of the world had not resulted in providing citizens their much promised
liberation, individual dignity and peace. The so called 'workers' class, when
successful in occupying the chairs of the 'ruling-class' of the states, had no
other model to adopt, than that of the their predecessors who once they had ousted
from those seats ! Today, communist nations are notorious for their lack of
individual freedom for people,and for their despotic ways with the people.
There is a strange kind of equality under
communist order, but it is like the equality of many 'zeros', with no value and
relevance to any one. State is the ultimate unit of progress, success and fame
Thus, communism also shut the hopes of mankind
in ushering a new era of universal acceptance of individual human dignity and
If communists had made citizens the 'commodity' that
constitute the state, modern capitalistic-democracies made them commodities for
the machinery of industry to run!
Modern democratic-political order always play
supportive role for the industry, as they provide the life-blood to the
nationhood. Though there is constant strife between the polity and the industry
on the question of who is the master of affairs in modern world, such conflicts
are always outside the realm of people. People are always passive victims and
state-material, as they were always been in human history !
America,the strongest of all democracies in
the modern world, though succeeded in suppressing the recent agitation of the
99% of the population alleging that their cause is to free the nation from the
reign of the 1% elites, ( The recent 'OCCUPY' wall-street etc.,agitations) it
exemplify whatever we have discussed in the preceding para.
Thus, it is clear that every individual
attempts to be smarter and successful than his fellow-being, while nations too
suffer from the same disease. This age believes that competition is the only
natural order, and it only would ensure survival ! Should this dogma be right ?
Please share a link that explains a different story, at
Susan George, a fiery activist against the new-liberalism of our era, in one of her papers writes:
"There is plenty of money sloshing around out there and a tiny fraction, a ridiculous, infinitesimal proportion of it would be enough to provide a decent life to every person on earth, to supply universal health and education, to clean up the environment and prevent further destruction to the planet, to close the North-South gap--at least according to the UNDP which calls for a paltry $40 billion a year. That, frankly, is peanuts " ( In her paper presented at 'Conference on Economic Sovereignty in a Globalising World' Bangkok, 24-26 March 1999,see link: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Father/Desktop/A%20Short%20History%20of%20Neo-liberalism%20%20%20Global%20Exchange.html)
Susan George, a fiery activist against the new-liberalism of our era, in one of her papers writes:
"There is plenty of money sloshing around out there and a tiny fraction, a ridiculous, infinitesimal proportion of it would be enough to provide a decent life to every person on earth, to supply universal health and education, to clean up the environment and prevent further destruction to the planet, to close the North-South gap--at least according to the UNDP which calls for a paltry $40 billion a year. That, frankly, is peanuts " ( In her paper presented at 'Conference on Economic Sovereignty in a Globalising World' Bangkok, 24-26 March 1999,see link: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Father/Desktop/A%20Short%20History%20of%20Neo-liberalism%20%20%20Global%20Exchange.html)
5) Does our existing
socio-economic-political system directly or indirectly encourage the above
value of striving for becoming more and more wealthy and successful ? The naked
reality of economic-class distinction measured and relished, on the basic of
the 'class' or 'luxury' standards of the life-style products and services one
can afford to purchase.
We have seen an affirmative answer to this
question at question no.3 above.
One's wealth or affluence is not measured by
his bank-balance or cash in the purse.It is always measured and graded
according to the 'class' or luxury of the life-style products and services one
is able to purchase and own. The basic inequality is also predominantly gets
expressed in the above way.
It is simple; social equality is dangerously
hampered when some class of men can afford to buy a high-end mansion, or own
and drive a high-end car, ( that costs sometimes 100 times more than the lowest
category /model available in the market) and they are accepted in exclusive
social-pockets meant for them. Then come a secondary, third, fourth and fifth
categories of such products and services exclusively meant to be bought by some
other class of men, with price and luxury ranges, un-affordable by vast
majority of the population. These classes are able to express their high-end
status in society by possessing a fit -range of luxury houses, cars, hotel
stay, air-travel, medical facilities, foot-wear, clothing, food and beverages
and every house -hold items of class and luxury !
This class range of products ( brands) and
services has a clear hierarchy of price and status in the contemporary world,
and their possession or affordability is what determines one's economic class,
and of-course his social status, value and acceptance in society ! As once mentioned
in a paragraph above,there are special industries catering to the need of each
economic class, bringing-up fitting brands and imaginary social-status to
pamper the respective self-image of the target end-user ! Using their brand or
service helps the customer to express his 'class' ( or unequal status ) in the
society in a distinct manner.
If our age genuinely wish to usher in social-equality, they
could do so by restricting by law, the production of consumer items including
dwelling units beyond a certain cost-range. Thus,dwelling units, cars,
house-hold consumer items, clothing, foot-wear and thousands of such products
and SERVICES ( like hotel-stay, air and land travel, health-care services,
banking, insurance etc.etc) should be manufactured and offered at qualities and
prices that could be afforded even by the last layer of economic-class in the
country ! It is quite possible as a real model, as well as a lasting social
value; see the example of the Metro-Rail services ( the tube rail service) in
various countries - - -such services are open and affordable to every citizen
without class distinction. The service is of standard quality, ( with all
coaches air-conditioned) that no economic class could allege it as below-par. (
see our dedicated blog on the theme, at link:
http://whatequalityshouldmeanindemocracy.blogspot.in/, and sub-links referred
in the said main blog)
Every such product and service in the world should be of same
standard, ( while upholding and respecting the creative idea in-puts of
deserving minds !) leaving no avenue for the rich to show of his separate class
distinction. This step could be aided by restricting salary difference also to
a certain level; the difference between highest drawn and the lowest drawn
salary must be restricted by law.
Such steps would never hamper the valued human spirit and
creativity; rather its net quantum would increase, by the addition of it from
many thousands of men whose such qualities had no avenue for expression in the
6) Is it not paradoxical for the modern
world that, at one hand it strives for equality as a socio-political value, and
at the same time it encourage men and women to compete, and attain unequal
heights in society ?
No one with open disposition could refute this
allegation ; while the entire world cry-out about inequality, the direction of
the existing socio-political and economic order directly pushes, and encourage
every kind of inequalities in society. Except a rigorous series of taxation
methods, there exists no known means to curtail the evil of inequality.
The above mentioned method of ending the
existing inequality regime would simply make sense on the following grounds:
a) When the unique avenues of expressing one's
wealth no more exist, the proverbial greed to accumulate wealth should
naturally get reduced. Greed is a result of the basic fear about future
deprivations. When basic human dignity and freedom is protected and
guaranteed,the mad urge to safe-guard it against future uncertainties would
logically come to an end.
b) Consider that the total wealth of a nation
is a corpus fund. When maximum of this fund is spent on constructing gigantic
structures for the chosen elites, ( say, 1% ) or allowed to be kept by them in
their private coffers, naturally, only the rest of the fund is available for
meeting the life-needs of the remaining 99% common citizens ! When the
community owned state resources are no more spent on select few elites and
their lives, such hugely saved funds can now be used for building-up equal
standard life-amenities for the entire population, as in the example of
tube-rail service given above.
What the future of the world requires is a new
model of progress, neither right,not left. A straight path in the middle is
quite feasible, with an altered outlook on life, and towards fellow-beings, as
shown in the blog link given above ( http://newphilosophyoflife.blogspot.in/)